crossing language barriers


INLINGUA language courses

Learning languages in Corona times – is that possible? – Yes, it is:

  • In our group courses there are on average only 3 participants; this is a tradition at inlingua and has nothing to do with Corona. We attach great importance to “practice speaking” – every participant gets enough time to practice. This only works in very small groups. Advantage: you learn very quickly to express yourself in the foreign language.
  • We have a clear hygiene concept and pay meticulously attention to stick to it
  • We also offer most languages in online trainings. Our small group courses (only 1-3 participants) or individual training sessions can also be carried out online without any problems – thanks to our skilled trainers. All you need is a computer, laptop or tablet with camera and microphone and an internet connection, and you are ready to go.
  • Lockdown and restrictions: if there are restrictions in your freedom of movement again, that is no problem for us: most of our trainers are experienced in both personal training and online training. So we can switch from personal training to online training within a very short time.
  • Job change: Many employees have to or want to apply for a new job in these times. Often the job chances are better if you speak a foreign language. This makes you stand out from other applicants and you clearly have better chances on the job market!

In advance, we will be happy to inform you – online if necessary – about your training possibilities. Course registration can also be done online. No matter whether English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese or something very unusual – we offer almost all languages!

  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese/Brazilian
  • Slovene
  • Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
  • Russian
  • Polish
  • Slovak
  • Czech
  • Hungarian
  • Greek
  • Turkish
  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Hindi/Dari/Pashtu
  • Persian

The Method

With the inlingua method thousands of people learn new languages every year or improve, what they thought were, long forgotten language skills. Information can be found here. Whether it be for business or leisure inlingua offers optimal support for learning languages. An overview of our courses can be found here. Find information on German at inlingua Graz. Discover new languages inlingua Styria has amongst others, trainers for English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Bosnian, Hindi, Slovak, Turkish, Greek, Portuguese, Arabic, Croatian, and Slovenian available, whereby the number of languages offered are constantly increasing. Check out our website for information regarding the inlingua direct method and our course options, contact us to arrange an informal meeting, an assessment or send us a course request. Click here for course information >>